joshua matyi
Josh Matyi is a student in the Combined Clinical/Counseling program at USU. His research interests broadly include neuropsychology, neurodegenerative disorders, aging, and caregiving. He has had many teaching opportunities at USU and has held several supervised clinical positions, including the USU Psychology Community Clinic, the Center for Persons with Disabilities, and the Neuropsychology Center of Utah. Joshua has accepted an internship for the 2020-21 year at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center/Veterans Affairs Medical Center Consortium. He enjoys spending time with his family, being in the outdoors, and playing guitar.
Thesis: Lifetime Estrogen Exposure and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor: Implications for Cognitive Decline in Late Life
Dissertation: Neurotrophin Polymorphisms in Progression of Alzheimer's disease and Related Disorders: Cognitive Decline and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms
Dissertation: Neurotrophin Polymorphisms in Progression of Alzheimer's disease and Related Disorders: Cognitive Decline and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms